
October 1st.

[Said by this guy we know, when asked for supper ideas] "Do I look like I have a purse?  Ask me how to punch someone or pee on stuff and I'll give you a list."

September 15th.  In the thick of it.

"He was perfect.  He smells like milk.  I broke up with him."

 August 30th.  Post-friendship cultivation weekend:

"Come quick!  I'm having a shotgun emergency!"

July 11th.

"Imagine how bad you'd feel about your life if you woke up next to a large drunk child?!"
(And how.) 

July 10th.  Saturday morning hangover giggles:

"[Our dog] smells like beer.  Wait, maybe that's just my face."

"I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating cookies."
"He has cookies?!"

"Did I say 'take Plan B'?  I meant 'make a plan B'."